Vibe Agency Logo


20 DEC

Tendance nomad

Surfez sur la Vibe en organisant vos evenements dans les plus beaux lieux mythiques des etats-unis. Le reve americain est une realite a portee de mains (et avions) pour tous les seminaires, meetings professionnels et lancement…
15 DEC

Smart Meetings

Valerie Bihet, owner of Miami-based Vibe Agency, brought 70 doctors from around the world to Chicago from May 31–June 4, for Merck’s Annual Conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology…
11 OCT

Northstar Meeting Group

How to trim the fat off your food budget, without sacrificing the flavor. One of the biggest line items on an event budget is food and beverage. So when costs need to be trimmed, naturally, planners will look here first…
02 OCT


Winners in more than 30 categories will be announced at BizBash Live: New York on October 23. An attention-grabbing South by Southwest activation, over-the-top hotel opening, and purposeful galas are among…
01 OCT

Special Events

A Special Events exclusive, here is our 2019 list of the biggest players in event production. Immersive events, data-driven decisions, and a focus on sustainability— all top trends at play for the biggest event companies in the business. And here they are ….
15 AUG


Today we’d like to introduce you to Valerie Bihet. Thanks for sharing your story with us Valerie. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there. Originally from Paris…
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