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Re-opening Isn’t One Size Fits All
In many parts of the country, state and local governments have been lifting various closures and other restrictions on public spaces. Declining numbers of new COVID-19 cases and increasing numbers of …
Extended Reality –Extended Opportunity
During the past year, many events started utilizing XR (Extended Reality) technology to revolutionize the experience and reach larger audiences. You may have seen this during the MTV Video Music Award…
Food & Beverage 2.0
A year ago, it seemed as though the idea of serving food and beverages to any size group would be impossible. Now, the changing landscape of health and safety, coupled with a renewed desire for public…
Looking Good on Zoom and Digital Meetings
Despite the jokes about wearing a shirt and tie with pajama pants, everyone wants to look their best when attending a virtual or digital meeting. Yes, it’s possible to turn off cameras and only partic…
Hybrid Events – Myths vs. Reality
Often perceived as the best of both worlds, hybrid events are unique ways to build relationships with both in-person and online audiences. But – there are a few unavoidable truths about Hybrid Events …
And the Award Goes To…
It’s been a long year for everyone. Businesses and employees have been working through all sorts of challenges for nearly 10 months. That can take a toll on productivity, employee satisfaction, and ul…
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