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VIBE wins corporate LiveWire Innovation & Excellence Award!


When we entered VIBE Agency into LiveWire’s Excellence in Corporate Event Planning Services award category, we were up against 150 other companies. The competition was fierce, but VIBE is a company built on innovation and excellence and we knew we could stand with the competition.

Just a few days ago, we received the e-mail we’d been hoping for – we won! Our curiosity got the best of us and we wanted to know what separated us from the rest of the competition. We reached out to Corporate LiveWire and they were happy to explain the process to us.

Award organization
There were several categories. Over 100,000 businesses and corporate professionals, LiveWire’s subscriber base, and the general public were invited to nominate associations, companies, and individuals based on their achievements and strengths. Extensive research was done on each nominee, and those that excelled in their industries were passed on to the judging panel.

Criteria to win
VIBE Agency was judged on our social media engagement and each profile including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter were heavily scrutinized. With a 4.9 rating on Facebook, we were off to a great start.

LiveWire read through our client comments as well as our responses, and looked at the kind of content we posted. Our website was also researched and judgments were made based on how interactive our content was – specifically our newsletters and videos. Additionally, they looked into our previous awards and reasons we won them and considered that information as well. Whew!

And the winner is…?
After all that, LiveWire concluded that VIBE Agency was the winner. We’re elated and proud of this achievement, and appreciate all of our clients that helped get us here. We couldn’t do it without all of you!

As an award-winning special events company, it’s our passion to bring big ideas to life and help our clients get the results that you need. If you’d like to work with us on your next event, all you have to do is call +1 (305) 695-7718 or email Valerie Bihet directly at to get things started.

We can’t wait to work with you.


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